Welcome to Rebecca's Equine Service, LLC

Serving Central Florida Since 2016
*Grooming included in all services
curry comb, body brush, hoof picked, main/tail comb, and rinse off.
Equine Exercise

Ground Work
30 minutes per horse
​Free lunge or lunging on a lunge line are great exercise techniques if you prefer your horse not to be ridden.
Note: Equibands & other equipment provided by client.
Some benefits of lunging include:
Repetitive muscle building exercises.
Help green horses to learn to keep their own balance.
Develops obedience to voice commands and body language.
Provides controlled exercise.​
Service for one horses $40.00
$35.00 each additional

In Saddle Riding
Includes tack up & groom 45-60 minute session
Walk/Trot/Canter in saddle in either English or Western riding styles.
Exercise Options
Jumping, up to 3" course
Flat Work
Trail Riding Walk/Trot/Canter in Trails
Basic Dressage Collection/Bend/ Transitions/Half Pass
Barrels/Clover Leaf Pattern
Schedule a free consultation for our riders to come out for you to evaluate if they would be a good fit for your horse.
$45.00 per horse

3 months

3 months
Includes groom 45-60 minute session
Five to six sessions per week, starting with walk trot transitions and with a focus on lifting back and shoulder to correct their carriage.
Along with the trot conditioning we do ground pole variations focused on stride, stretching and carriage correction.
Session format
Stretching & carriage correction
Skill development; ground poles & grid
Cool down and stretching
Service for one horse
$360.00 weekly